Over the past month, countless family, friends, and customers have asked some variation of the same question. “Why are you still offering LTC classes if it’s going away on September 1st?” My answer is always the same because the LTC program is not going away; constitutional carry is not replacing anyone’s ability to get a license. They generally follow up with, “Well, why would I want to get a license if I can carry without one?” I could write a thesis paper on why an LTC is still beneficial, but I won’t put anyone through that. When asked this question, I generally give three main reasons to consider getting an LTC.
Bonus - School District Employees Who Have an LTC Are Protected If you are an employee of a school district and have been issued a Texas LTC, Texas law protects your right to keep a firearm and ammunition concealed in your locked motor vehicle while it is parked in a school parking lot. In fact, Texas law prevents the school district from imposing any duties, restrictions, or reporting requirements on where or how your firearms and ammunition are stored. However, these protections are not given to employees who do not possess a valid handgun license.
Aside from the above reasons, it’s essential to know the law if you plan on carrying a firearm. Especially laws concerning off-limits places and use of force in Texas. Remember, you can and most likely will be arrested for “accidentally” carrying into a prohibited location. Ignorance of the law is not a legal excuse. Even if you don’t intend on getting an LTC, we still recommend taking the class to learn these vital topics and more.
Fort Worth - West
8240A West Fwy
Fort Worth, TX 76108